Spanish Slang and Expressions used in Colombia
here are some slang words and expressions that are commonly used in Colombia:
Parcero/a - friend, buddy, pal
Bacano/a - cool, awesome, great
Chimba - great, fantastic, amazing
Chévere - cool, nice, good
Parche - group of friends, hangout
Pelado/a - boyfriend/girlfriend, significant other
Parchando - hanging out, partying
Coger - to take, grab, or pick up (note: this word can have a vulgar connotation in some other countries, but in Colombia it is commonly used in a more neutral sense)
Estar en la luna - to be absent-minded, distracted
Gomelo/a - someone who is wealthy, high-class or has a snobbish attitude
Tinto - black coffee
Chuspa - small bag or purse
Guaro - aguardiente, a popular Colombian alcoholic beverage
Ñapa - an extra or bonus item or service, sometimes given for free
Paila - a difficult or unfortunate situation, sometimes used to express disappointment.
Desparchado/a - someone who is bored, unenthusiastic or not in the mood for socializing
Chimbita - a small, cute or attractive object or person
Echar los perros - to hit on, flirt with or try to seduce someone
Rumbear - to party, have a good time, dance
Tocayo/a - someone who shares the same name as you
Vaina - thing, stuff, matter (can also be used to express frustration or annoyance)
Mono/a - blond, fair-skinned or light-haired person (can also be used to describe someone who is mischievous or playful)
Caleño/a - someone from Cali, a city in southwestern Colombia known for its salsa music and dance culture
Paisa - someone from the Paisa region, which includes the departments of Antioquia, Caldas, Risaralda, Quindío, and part of Valle del Cauca
Bacanería - a cool, impressive or stylish thing or person
Chambón/a - clumsy, awkward or uncoordinated
Pinta - appearance, look, style (can also be used to refer to a police lineup)
Sano/a - healthy, safe, clean (can also be used to describe someone who is honest or reliable)
Guache - awkward or embarrassing situation or moment
Enchumbado/a - someone who is drunk or heavily intoxicated.
Carechimba - someone who is vain, conceited or obsessed with their appearance
Chepe - money or cash
Chirrete - someone who is stingy or cheap
Mijo/mija - son/daughter (can also be used as a term of endearment towards someone younger than you)
Dar papaya - to make oneself vulnerable or an easy target for thieves or scammers
Corroncho/a - someone from the Caribbean coast, particularly the northern region of Colombia (can also be used in a derogatory way to describe someone who is uneducated or unsophisticated)
Pata - friend, buddy, mate (can also be used to refer to someone's foot)
Juicioso/a - someone who is responsible, disciplined or studious
Chuchaqui - hangover (can also be used to describe the feeling of being tired or worn out)
Rato - a short period of time (can also be used to describe a mouse)
Agüevado/a - someone who is bored or unoccupied
Desocupado/a - someone who is unemployed or without a job
Nalgas - buttocks, bum, behind
Rebuscarse - to make a living or get by through hard work or improvisation
Traste - object, thing, item (can also be used to refer to a piece of furniture)
Gonorrea - a vulgar insult used to refer to someone you dislike or find annoying (Note: this word can be highly offensive and should be used with caution)
Jartera - a boring or tedious task or situation
Cachaco/a - someone from Bogotá or the Andean region (can also be used in a derogatory way to describe someone who is snobbish or conservative)
Cogollo - friend, buddy, pal (can also be used to refer to the center of a plant, such as a cannabis plant)
Chino/a - curly-haired person (can also be used to describe someone who is Asian)
Desbaratar - to mess up, ruin, or spoil something
Embarrar - to mess up, make a mistake, or cause a problem
Fiao - on credit, on loan (can also be used to describe someone who owes money)
Pelar el cobre - to reveal one's true colors or intentions
Pescuezo - neck (can also be used to describe a bottleneck or traffic jam)
Soplar - to steal, snatch, or pickpocket
Traga - someone who is a hard worker or who takes work seriously (can also be used to describe someone who is very interested in something, like a fan of a band or a sports team)
Vacano/a - cool, great, awesome (similar to "bacano/a," but more common in the Caribbean coast region)
Vuelta - a task or errand (can also be used to describe a turn or rotation)
Zurdo/a - left-handed person (can also be used to describe something that is counterfeit or fake)